District 5 Commissioner Manuel A. 桑切斯 will meet with constituents to listen to their concerns and provide an update on county business. Please join us any time between 6:00-7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 11 at the 夫人安娜 Community Center, located at 5745 Ledesma Drive in the Village of 夫人安娜, NM.
注意: 夫人安娜 County will ensure effective communication with individuals with disabilities and will, upon request, provide auxiliary communication aids and services to afford those individuals equal opportunity for participation in 夫人安娜 County sponsored meetings, 事件, or activities. Any request should be made to the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator, in writing, or by phone, at least two business days prior to the event at which accommodation is needed. If you have any questions regarding examples of reasonable accommodations, please contact the ADA Coordinator, at 525-5884 (voice) or 525-2951 (TTY), 845 N. Motel Blvd., Las Cruces, NM 88007.
Spanish language interpretation services are now available upon request for participation in 夫人安娜 County sponsored meetings, 事件, or activities. Please contact the Community & Constituent 服务 Office at 525-6163, at least 48 hours prior to the event. Por favor en contacto la Oficina de Servicio a la Comunidad y Constituyentes 525-6163 por lo menos 48 horas por adelantado para pedir este servicio.